D. Fausto, V. De Bonis (eds.)
The Theory of Public Finance in Italy from the Origins to the 1940s, Special issue «Il pensiero economico italiano», XI
2003 (I)
D. Fausto, V. De Bonis, Foreword, pp. 9-10.
D. Fausto, An outline of the main Italian contributions to the theory of public finance, pp. 11-41.
F. Pica, The voluntary-exchange theory of public finance: the writings of the first half of the twentieth century and pertinent current contents, pp. 43-73.
M. Boccaccio, V. De Bonis, Political sociological theories in the Italian tradition of public finance, pp. 75-97.
A. Fossati, Public goods in the Italian tradition, pp. 99-122.
G. Dallera, The Italian tradition in fiscal theory: taxation and efficiency, pp. 123-158.
D. Da Empoli, Equity issues in the Italian public finance tradition, pp. 159-169.
F. Bulckaen, A. Pench, From Pantaleoni’s Teoria della traslazione dei tributi to the thirties: the legacy of the Italian tradition, pp. 171-219.
P. A. Vagliasindi, The theory of public debt in the Italian tradition. Two possible neutrality theorems, pp. 199-219.
G. Mastromatteo, The growth of public expenditure in the Italian theory of public finance, pp. 221-242.
R. Paladini, G. Rodano, Italian public economists and Keynes, pp. 243-270.
R. E. Wagner, Public Choice and the diffusion of classic Italian public finance, pp. 271-282.
J. M. Buchanan, Endnote, pp. 283-284.