F. Bientinesi and R. Patalano (eds)
Economists and War. A heterodox perspective
London and New York, Routledge, 2017 («Routledge Studies in the History of Economics», 189)
War and economic power have been interwoven in the thought of scholars since the beginnings of economic science, and views on the role of war in the economy have shifted dramatically as the world order has changed. The centenary of World War I has offered the opportunity for increased reflection on this topic, particularly as the war itself stimulated new directions for both research and the development of theory.
Economists and War brings together expert contributors who are united in their commitment to exploring this classic subject from innovative and heterodox points of view. The chapters presented in the book delve into a wide range of perspectives from Japan in the Second World War and Italy in the First; the debate on State intervention among German-speaking authors to the debate on the economic bases of perpetual peace; and from Keynes, who wrote on the ‘irrationality of war’, to Sismondi, who saw war as an opportunity for economic development, and not only for nation-states.
Fabrizio Bientinesi and Rosario Patalano, Introduction, pp. 1-6.
Fabrizio Bientinesi, An ‘Austrian’ Point of View on Total War: Stefan T. Possony, pp. 7-26.
Fanny Coulomb, The Evolution of the Economic Thought Confronted with World War I and the Reparations’ Issue, pp. 27-41.
Alberto Giordano, Third Way, Liberalism and the Crisis of Civilization: Wilhelm Röpke Facing the Second World War, pp. 42-56.
Terenzio Maccabelli, From Pacifism to Political Realism: The Economics and Sociology of War in Vilfredo Pareto, pp. 57-80.
Fabio Masini, The Economic of Peace in the History of Political Economy, pp. 81-97.
Luca Michelini, Italian Economic Analyses of the First World War: ‘Historical Materialism’ Versus ‘Pure Economics’, pp. 98-116.
Tadashi Ohtsuki, Changes in the Pacifism of Akamatsu Kaname from the Interwar Period to WWII, pp. 117-132.
Letizia Pagliai, War in Sismondi’s Interpretation of Modern Capitalism: Fresh Analytical Perspectives, pp. 133-149.
Rosario Patalano, How to Pay for the War: Military Spending and War Funding in Italian Economic Thought (1890-1918), pp. 150-172.
Stefano Spalletti, Productive Powers and War in Friedrich List’s Theory of Economic Development, pp. 173-188.
Ted Winslow, Keynes on the Role of the ‘Insane and Irrational Springs of Wickedness’ in War, pp. 189-205.