How to access the database “Economisti accademici italiani dell’Ottocento”

Dear user,

welcome to the database “Economisti accademici italiani dell’Ottocento”.

In order to access the database, you must fill in the registration form and wait for a validation email with your credentials that you will receive in 1 or 2 working days.

The request to activate a profile for accessing the database resources implies acceptance of the legal notices of the University Library System (Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo) of the University of Pisa.

Use of the database

The data and the content of the database “Economisti accademici italiani dell’Ottocento” can be freely used for cultural purposes provided that the original resource is clearly mentioned and in any case according to the terms established of the Creative Commons BY-NC license.

Kindly send notification to of the publication of the work for which the database was consulted.

Each item that is available on the website for downloading (e.g. technical documentation, forms, etc.), unless otherwise stated, is free under the condition that it is not used for profit purposes or for the achievement of illicit ends. The Centro interdipartimentale di documentazione sul pensiero economico italiano (thereafter Cipei) and therefore the Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo (University Library System) of the University of Pisa are never to be held responsible for damages of any nature directly or indirectly caused by the access to the website and the database, by the inability or impossibility to access it, by the use of interactive tools, by the use of the information therein contained.

Cipei provides the content and the management of the website that is as updated as possible, but does not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. In particular – with regard to the texts of the enforced legislation – it provides information for dissemination purposes only, which therefore does not constitute a source of law. It is therefore recommended, where appropriate, to consult the official sources.

Cipei reserves the right to modify the contents of this page and the others related to the database at any time and without notice.

Reporting errors

Errors, inaccuracies or malfunctions can be reported to the following email address:

Linked websites

Cipei declines any responsibility for the contents and the updating status of the websites that are accessible from the links on this website and the database.


Cipei guarantees that the processing of personal data that should be received by e-mail or electronic forms, even during registration, complies with the provisions of the current legislation on privacy (D. L. 30 giugno 2003, n.196, in force from 1 January 2004 and subsequent amendments and additions).

In particular, they will not be transferred to third parties and will be used exclusively for communications relating to the website and its contents and for possibile updates of information on topics relating to the contents of the website and the database.

Personal data will be processed exclusively for carrying out the activities referred to in article 24 of the Italian privacy code, for which the consent of the interested party is not required.

The rights of the interested party are those expressly indicated in article 7 of the Italian privacy code and can be exercised with a request sent by regular letter, by fax or by e-mail to the responsible person.